Everyone has heard at least one strange superstition about eyes, but do these old wives’ tales have any truth to them?
Just like any body part or strange cough or symptom that we come across, it’s so easy to jump down the rabbit hole of Google to diagnose what’s wrong. It’s even easier to do it now with your phones always right within your reach. Imagine what it was like to be concerned about something in a world without Google? Your parents and grandparents grew up like this and had to spend time doing their research, trying home remedies, and calling their doctors instead of looking up their answers on the internet. Imagine even still what it was like caring for yourself and your eyes before modern medicine and before the American Optometric Association came to be! Pretty scary right? Even as we’ve been comfortably sitting with modern medicine for some time now, there are still plenty of myths and superstitions concerning your eyes that we still hear very frequently. We thought it would be fun to discuss and debunk five of the most common myths about eyes that are very common to hear every day.
- Myth #1: You’ll Go Blind If You Sit Too Close To The TV!
How many of us were told while we were growing up that sitting too close to the TV will hurt our eyes? While it’s never a good idea to do one thing for too long, there is no actual evidence that this will cause permanent damage, according to FOR EYES and Vision Services Plan. This rumor has been around since television came into our lives and has become a household rumor ever since. Watching too much TV can cause your eyes strain, make them tired, and cause them to be very dry. If this does happen, close your eyes for a few seconds and let them rest. Or, take a break from watching the TV and turn it off for a while.
- Myth #2: If You Keep Crossing Your Eyes, They’ll Stay That Way!
Good news, this myth is very far from the truth. Your eye muscles are made to move in every direction and won’t get stuck there. Sure, you might get a headache if you do continuously cross your eyes, but that’s about it. We think this rumor got its start from an annoyed parent or sibling that was bothered one too many times. Crossed eyes that you don’t control are the sign of nerve damage, affected vision, and possibly blood vessel damage. If you are showing signs of crossed eyes, please call us right away.
- Myth #3: Carrots Will Give You Night Vision!
Sorry Marvel and DC fans. Carrots are great for your eyes and a healthy diet, but they won’t give you the night vision you’ve always wanted. But, according to A Vogel, carrots do give your eyes a ton of vitamin A. Vitamin A helps your eyes convert light even when conditions aren’t great, and they protect your corneas. So we understand where this myth got its start. Some argue, though, that carrots aren’t even the biggest and most important superfood that you need to be eating for good vision. According to the AOA fish, spinach, tomatoes, oranges, strawberries, nuts, beans, and meats are the best for your vision.
- Myth #4: As Long As You Can See, You Don’t Need To Get Regular Vision Checkups!
This myth drives us CRAZY. Even though you think you might have perfect vision, there could be several issues wrong with your eyes that only we can see and notice during an exam using the proper equipment. Like we’ve mentioned before, a lot of eye diseases can go years before appearing. By the time they do, they can be beyond treatment. Glaucoma is one of these issues. Other health issues can be discovered during eye exams like high blood pressure and diabetes that need to be addressed right away. An eye exam is much more than just checking if you need glasses or not. They are an important and necessary part of your overall health!
- Myth #5 If You Sneeze With Your Eyes Open, Your Eyes Will Pop Out!
As terrifying and gross as this story was when we were growing up and loved to say around Halloween, it is NOT true. You close your eyes when you sneeze because it’s a natural reflex, according to the AOA. It actually might be difficult to sneeze if your eyes are open but, if this does happen, you won’t be facing any consequences.
How many of these myths have you heard before? Did you still believe any of them until you read this blog? Let us know! We’d love to hear your feedback! We are always here to answer any questions you might have and to discuss your best options when it comes to your family’s vision needs. We will see you next time!