OptoMap Retinal Imaging
OptoMap Retinal Imaging Ocean Eye is proud to feature this advanced technology. OptoMap Imaging allows our doctors to evaluate the health of the back of your eyes, the retina, without the use of drops or dilation in most cases. In unique cases where family history, your own ocular history or other risk factors are present, […]
Ocular Allergy Evaluations
Ocular Allergy Evaluations The joys of living in Summerville! Summerville is known as the ‘Flowertown in the Pines’ because of the beautiful flower and trees that produce wonderful colors and aromas in our area. However, these same flowers and trees produce systemic and ocular allergy symptoms for many of our patients. Our physicians will evaluate […]
Dry Eye Evaluations
Dry Eye Evaluations Dry Eyes are a common symptom that brings many people to our practice. Dry Eyes can be caused by a variety of conditions, including the following: Medications Hormonal Fluctuations Pregnancy History of LASIK Auto-Immune Diseases (Arthritis, Gout, etc.) Environmental Factors If a patient has a dry eye complaint, our physicians generally perform […]
Diabetic Evaluations
Diabetic Evaluations Diabetes and Your Eyes. Diabetic Retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease and a leading cause of blindness in American adults. It is caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina. Fortunately, frequent eye exams help to diagnose retinal changes early and prevent blindness. The physicians at Ocean Eye evaluate […]
Glaucoma Evaluations
Glaucoma Evaluations The ‘Silent Thief of Sight’. Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that begins with increased pressure within the eye. This increased pressure causes damage to occur to the optic nerve (visual pathway between the eyes and the brain) and causes a loss of side vision. There are many risk factors for glaucoma, some […]
Contact Lens Fittings
Contact Lens Fittings The Healthiest Contact Lenses Available. Because of our mission to provide our patients with the highest quality products and services, we only fit lenses that are healthy for the patient and provide the most comfortable wearing experience. We do not offer generic brand contacts and do not fit lenses that have an […]
Eye Exams
Comprehensive Eye Exams The best ocular examination you’ve ever received. At Ocean Eye, we pride ourselves in providing our patients with the highest quality products and services. That mission starts with an extremely thorough yet efficient eye exam. Our eye exams ensure that your visual system is functioning at the highest level possible. The first […]