Already have a glasses prescription? No need for an appointment! Come on in!


The best selection of pediatric frames. If it is determined that your child would benefit from wearing glasses, Ocean eye has a great selection of frames to choose from. We carry many colors and styles to choose from.

Ocean Eye only fits our pediatric patients in polycarbonate lenses, a material that is thin, durable, and very safe.  We also coat all lenses with a high quality scratch coating to resist scratches.

Contact Lenses

A great alternative for busy kids. Contact Lenses are a great option for many of patients.  We usually wait until the parents feel comfortable with the idea of their child wearing contacts.  As you may know, most contacts require regular cleaning to prevent problems.  Therefore, it is important that your child be mature enough to handle this responsibility.

Ocean Eye offers only the healthiest contact lenses to their patients.  We fit contacts that are made of silicone-hydrogel, a material that allows a large amount of oxygen to pass through to the eye to ensure your child’s eyes remain healthy and prevent eye infections.

We also offer daily disposable contact lenses, which provide your child with a new pair of lenses every day!  This means no cleaning, no storing, and no worries for the parents!