It’s so important to keep your contacts and glasses clean, safe and properly cared for. These items are here to help the most delicate organs in your body, so paying them extra attention is only necessary. Take the time to care for your optic wear, and always make it a priority! 

Hello Summerville! This spring weather streaming through our windows has been just what the doctor ordered! We hope you are seeing it clearly. If you’re not – come in and see us! We will make sure you see the spring arrive healthily and in style! We hope you enjoyed our last blog, dedicated to the care and cleaning of your glasses. Remember, even if you don’t wear glasses or contacts many of these tips can still help you maintain a healthy lifestyle when it comes to the care of your eyes. So this blog, and others like it, are all perfect for you! During this time, and any time, it is always important to keep your hands clean while touching your eyes, your contacts, and your glasses. We are all washing our hands more than ever before, keep it up! 

We are your leading provider in Summerville for the best eye exams, lens fittings, and finding the perfect contacts for you. There are many different kinds, different brands, and designs that will allow you to wear them for different lengths of time. We are here to help you discover what’s perfect for all of your optical needs. If you are a first-time contact wearer, discovering the perfect brand of contacts can be a trial period, and that’s okay! Some people prefer wearing daily contacts, while others prefer to wear contacts that you can wear for up to a month. Some prefer hard contacts, while others prefer soft lenses. Your eyes are as unique as you are. Always give yourself the time to find what’s right for you, and we will be here to answer all of your questions along the way. 

Let’s talk about the wearing, caring, and daily life of your contacts. These fragile objects live right on top of your eyes, and you have to touch them to place them there. With such hands-on treatment, you need to put even more care and thought into keeping your hands and contacts clean. You also need to dedicate extra care in how you physically handle them. The first rule of thumb is one that we will say time and again. You need to have very clean hands when putting in or taking out your contacts. You also need to keep your contacts as clean as possible, while you’re wearing them and while they are being stored. 

Here are the best tips, suggestions, and ideas to follow when caring and wearing your contact lenses. 

  • The process of finding the correct style, kind, and shape of contact is very important. As is what solution and eye drop you’re going to use to keep your eyes and contacts clean and moist. Make sure to take the time with us to find the best contacts for you and the proper tools to keep them clean, healthy, and comfortable. 
  • When putting in your contacts, make sure the contact is not damaged. Never put a damaged contact into your eye. This could lead to scratching your eye, irritation, and possible infection. Throw out a damaged contact, and replace it immediately. 
  • Make sure your contacts are clean and moist when you put them in. 
  • Use only your fingertips to hold your contacts and to put them in. Don’t use your nails, sharp objects, or tweezers. 
  • Wash your hands well with soap and water, before putting your contacts in, that doesn’t have any extra additives in it. Dry them with a clean town and make sure there are no random fibers left on your hands before handling your contacts. 
  • Do not sleep in your lenses unless they have been prescribed to be worn that way. 
  • Put your lenses in before putting on makeup, and remove them before washing your makeup off. 
  • Don’t put water on your contacts. The only things you should ever put on your lenses are the solutions and drops made for them. 
  • Use fresh solution every time you store your contacts. Allow your contact case to dry out during the day before using it again. 
  • Pay attention to cleaning your fingernails too. Dirt and grime living under your nails can make its way onto your contacts. Keep your fingernails as clean as you do your hands. 
  • Change your contact case once a month. 
  • Don’t share your contact lenses with anyone. 
  • Remove your lenses and come visit us right away if you have any irritation, redness, discomfort, or difficulty seeing. There could be a much bigger issue that is causing these symptoms. 
  • Don’t wear your lenses longer than they have been prescribed to be worn. Don’t try to stretch their wear. 

Now after reading both parts of this blog, you are skilled at keeping your contacts and glasses clean. You will continue to have fantastic optic health and will be able to see the world around you without any pain. Sharing these tips and tools with your younger family members and children can help them develop healthy habits, and guarantee healthy eyes for a lifetime. If you have any questions or concerns with your glasses or contacts, please contact us right away. Until then, we can’t wait to see you at your next appointment!